Garden decoration

Brushwood and willow are appealing natural products and are very suitable to be used in a garden
setting. A good example are our natural fences: a beautiful and environmentally friendly alternative
for standard garden fences.

Blending in with the rest your garden yet quite an eye-catcher. Our natural fences consisting of
willow can be used in any garden and make the perfect alternative for those who are looking for
something more special than your standard garden fences. A robust skeleton of wooden poles that
serve as the base for a braided pattern of `bleeslatten’ (healthy, firm, straight pieces of willow).
Furthermore we have mats consisting of vertically aligned willow twigs available that can be
applied if a frame is already in place. These mats have a standard size of 3 m long and 1.8 m high,
and come conveniently rolled up.
All materials required to build a natural fence (or any woven construction) by yourself can be
obtained from us. Our assortment changes on a regular basis, feel free to inquire what is available.
Of course we are also happy to help you with tips on using the materials.